
hi guys these are all my favorite ships/characters etc. this is basically my place to monologue about anything I'm interested in ever after high wise. the gallery images are small because you can click on them for links to the tumblr posts I sourced them from. if they're ever my images I will have them just link to the uploaded image. I will eventually figure out a way for people to be able to sort by tag. right now you can't but the types of posts are

Character, Ship, Slash, Femslash, Het, Poly

Applebeauty [Apple White/Briar Beauty]♫ STARRING ROLE by MARINA ♫

Ship, Femslash

THEEEEE best friends 2 enemies 2 lovers ship!!!!!!! they were so close but never knew each other & knowing each other tore them apart but forced them back together again!!!!! they want each other so bad it makes them stupid!!!!! briar beauty I know what you are.


Duchess Swan [Daughter of the White Swan]♫ PEEL by WEAKENED FRIENDS ♫


GIRL OF ALL TIME. she's anal retentive she's a bitch she's desperate for love she's desperate for anything she bites the hand that feeds her she's the next evil queen she makes straight As she's such a perfect trans allegory that she just IS a trans girl to me I can't think of her in any other way. my trans duchess manifesto is here I'll eventually move it to this blog


Justess [Justine Dancer/Duchess Swan]♫ I DON'T KNOW WHY I LIKE YOU BUT I DO by THE WOMBATS ♫

Ship, Femslash

severely underrated imo. justine somewhat idolizes duchess & her dance skills & in return duchess hates her with the passion of a thousand suns. duchess's inability to cope with anyone being even slightly better than her. dance rival girlfriends. they take so many classes together and at each one of them justine is batting her eyes with the smuggggggest grin on her face saying hiiiii duchess do you want to see who can do this dance better and duchess goes FUCK NO. I HATE YOU. YOULL NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH and then they do their little dances. and make out
