
these are all my fandom interests, both currently raging and slightly out of date. the gallery images are small because you can click on them for links to the tumblr posts I sourced them from. if they're ever my images I will have them just link to the uploaded image. I will eventually figure out a way for people to be able to sort by tag. right now you can't but the types of posts are

Type of fixation: Current Interest, Backburner Interest, Casual Interest, Phoenix Interest, Dead Interest
"Current" is pretty self-explanatory; the things I'm currently going crazy over. "Backburner" is stuff I'm still really into and will go on long rambles about and was once a current interest, but has taken a temporary back seat to a current interest. "Casual" is stuff I never really got OBSESSED with but still like even to this day and will reblog fanart of occasionally. "Phoenix" are mostly-dead interests that every so often spring back with a vengeance and I'll re-get obsessed for a week or so. "Dead" is something I may still think of fondly, but will definitely never get back into. The REALLY dead interests of mine that I am embarrassed about and think are cringe are NOT on here. Heart emoji. Hope you understand.

Type of media: Comic, Show, Book, Other

DC Comicsbatfam & yj98 & titans & arrowfam & flashfam

Current Interest, Comic

current most obsessed interest. I love characters with larger than life stories. I love media that goes on and on and on and on. this interest won't die until I read every single dc comic which is never. I love mantles that get handed down and the expectations with them I love clones and time travel and parents that maybe aren't great but they aren't terrible either. current batfan trying to convert to flashfan

Ever After Highduchess swan & applebeauty & class of classics & next top villain

Current Interest, Show

LONGEST interest. this kid's show will haunt me to the day I die unfortunately. it's not even that it could've been good -- it was a kid's show made to sell toys. okay. but I LOVE the idea of legacy and destiny and not wanting to follow in your parent's footsteps but falling prey to their same flaws they way they did and I love repeating cycles of violence. and though ever after high isn't technically that as in it's not nearly as angsty as all of those words seem it has the THEMES. and I can go forever with a theme

Death Notel lawliet & lawlight & lawmane & toxic yaoi

Backburner Interest, Show

watched it all very fast. fucking LOVE this show however I didn't finish it because I got very upset when [redacted] happened but once I finish it it's so over for everyone. I love stuff that is so complicated and violent that it's not even gay sex anymore but is still very much gay sex. you know what I mean

Homestuckvrisrezi & vriska serket & karkat vantas & kanaya maryam & kanvris

Backburner Interest, Comic

my friend and I really need to get our shit together and finish this because it's so long but also once I finish it yet again it's so over for everyone. I LOOOOVE classpecting though I should definitely make a whole rambling page about classpects and whatnot. TOXIC YURI !!!!!


Backburner Interest, Show

the confession scene lives rent free in my brain and probably will forever. niko sasaki you will always be famous

Ted LassoTRENT FUCKING CRIMM & royjamie & roykeeley & rjk & nathan shelley

Backburner Interest, Show

I've seen this show so many times that it lives in me like a disease. one time I got so obsessed with this show that it was my ONLY INTEREST for literally like 3 months straight minimum

Dungeon Meshi

Casual Interest, Show

I like this !! I'll reblog fanart for it every so often. never got super obsessed with it though tbh


Phoenix Interest, Show

watched this a long time ago and don't think about it all the time but sometimes it takes back over . because of the demons

things I used to be into and still sometimes dip my toe into casually

things I used to be into, will never get back into but am amicable towards